Press Release: Fondi Besa sh.a. and Ministry of Finances and Economy entered into an On-Lending Agreement and into an Agreement for Participation in the Guarantee Fund within the Business Support Program

Fond Besa sh.a. and the Ministry of Finance and Economy on 30.01.2018 entered into an On-Lending Agreement and into an Agreement for Participation in the Guatantee Fund, within the Business Support Program, an initiative regulated by the “Integrated Development Assistance Program for SMEs in Albania – IASME “, ratified by the Albanian Parliament, by law 19/2014, dated 27.02.2017. This initiative aims at the development of Albanian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

This is a joint program of the Italian Government and the Albanian Government with the aim of improving access to finance for Albanian small and medium enterprises by supporting them with low interest loans and loan guarantee funds to favor investment for their development in a better financing environment.

The program includes two important financial instruments in favor of Albanian SMEs:

• Credit Line, which will be used to provide soft loans to SMEs in the total amount of Euro 36 million; and

• Guarantee Fund, in the amount of Euro 5 million, which will be used to guarantee up to 60% of the amount of loan requested.

For more information see:

In the framework of this agreement it was organized a workshop, which was directed and managed by Mr. Kino Buxheli, Director of Albanian-Albanian Program for SME Development in Albania and Ms. Briolda Jahaj, Financial Expert of the Italo-Albanian SME Development Program.

During the training group work was organized, where participants applied concretely all the knowledge gained and at the same time clarified and overcome any difficulties encountered during their work.