Human Resource Development
Human resources are an important factor in the success of Fondi BESA. All the staff of our institution has a Bachelor Degree in different branches; the majority of them are graduated in economic. An important part of Human Resources Department is capacity building and training of the staff mainly in Albania and also training abroad in similar institutions.
Building staff skills in Fondi BESA is critical for high performance and success. The capacity of strong leaders and managers must be combined with the managerial skills of the staff throughout the organization.
As we consider people an asset and are committed to creating a continuous learning culture within the institution which aims at building and increasing staff capacity. Besides the funds available, we believe that our success depend on a highly trained, adaptable and effective staff to meet challenges and fulfill the objectives.
For this reason, each year we draft staff training plans that define the various forms of development starting from a well-designed orientation that can help to ensure turning the new staff into a productive and happy employee to training for a specific skill, coaching or mentoring (on the job training) and experience exchanging.
Training and development is an ongoing process that aims at improving our staff performance in the current job: improving their effectiveness, productivity and strengthening the basis for the long-term achievement. On the other hand, along with the overall advantages to the institution, by receiving a proper training, the individual staff increases job satisfaction through a more thorough understanding of the task to be performed and by improving its self confidence which also increases their enthusiasm for the job and commitment to the institution.