


• Do you want to make an investment in EURO?
• Do you have your income in EURO?
• Does your business conduct transactions with international companies?


Fondi BESA offers you loans in EURO currency!

This is to facilitate the investment and loan repayment process by reducing the exchange rate risk the client mightface.
The client will have no change in the loan installment even if there is fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate.





  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount is 50,000 Euro
For special cases Fondi BESA considers disbursing loans to the amount more than 50,000 Euro
  TERM   Up to 8 years (96 months) for amounts up to 50,000 Euro
Up to 10 years (120 months) for amounts over 50,000 Euro
  FEE   1.5-5% according to loan terms
  COLLATERAL   Without collateral up to 5,000 Euro
Amounts over 5,000 Euro:
Mortgage, Lien, Pledge, Endorsement depending the loan term and amount.
  REPAYMENT Depending on client preference:
Flat – equal installments for the whole repayment period.
Declining – Interest is calculated on the remaining amount of principal.
  INTEREST   For amounts up to 50,000 euros: starting from 18%

For amounts over 50,000 euros: starting from 16%

Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted

  NEI 9% up to 36%

Example :


Amount of LoanMonthly installment Term (months)


Figures are approximate. For accurate figures, you need to get the right information at your nearest office of Fondi BESA in your city.

Please download the Standardized Pre-contractual Information Leaflet
