“BESA TOURISM PROJEKT” LOAN targets businesses that operate in the tourism sector or individuals that want to start up a business in this sector in the districts of Gjirokastër, Përmet, Berat and Skrapar.

Availability period: 17 April 2017 to 17 April 2020



  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount 15,000 Euro or equivalent in ALL
  TERM   Up to 3 yeras (36 months)
  FEE   1% per year on the total loan amount
  COLLATERAL   Collateral is not an absolute condition for the loan approval
  REPAYMENT Depending on client preference:
Flat – equal installments for the whole repayment period.
Declining – Interest is calculated on the remaining amount of principal
Irregular: Based on the production cycle, this loan might be repaid with irregular monthly
repayments, flexible according to the seasonality. The monthly installment will be calculated
based on the client monthly revenues.
  INTEREST   15%
Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted
  GRACE PERIOD   1- 6 months only for the flat and declining repayment calendar.


This loan is delivered under “BESA TOURISM PROJECT”, cofinancing of Fondi BESA and CESVI




Do you need a loan to start or expand an agricultural activity?

If you have an agricultural activity in area of Malësia e Madhe or Përmet – Fond BESA, in cooperation with VIS Albania and CESVI offer loans with the aim of improving the quality of life of rural households, promoting start-ups and clients’ social inclusion.

This loan aims to finance agricultural, livestock, agro-processing activities, whether these start-ups or existing ones.

Availability period: 15 March 2014 to 14 March 2017.



  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount is 500,000 ALL
  DURATION Up to 3 years (36 months)
  FEE   1-3% according to loan term
  COLLATERAL   Mortgage is not a necessary condition for obtaining a loan. Lien, Pledge.
  REPAYMENT Depending on client preference:
Flat – equal installments for the whole repayment period.
Declining – Interest is calculated on the remaining amount of principal
  INTEREST   15%
Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted


This loan is delivered under “BESA AGRO PROJECT”, cofinancing of Fondi BESA and VIS Albania and CESVI





Loans for all those who want to increase their agricultural and livestock production, invest in activities related to the processing and sale of agricultural and livestock products!

Thanks to the European Union’s support under the “Employment and Social Innovation” Program, to enhance the development of the agricultural sector and for supporting the entrepreneurial youth initiative, Fondi BESA and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have signed a Guarantee Facility to supporting these activities.

In the framework of this cooperation, Fondi BESA offers borrowers more competitive and attractive loan conditions than the normal credit conditions for agricultural loans provided so far. So, customers benefit:

• Interest rate reduced by at least 0.3%
• No collateral
• Customers may decide for themselves how much money they want to repay monthly, thus pursuing their cash flow cycle.

Availability period: 25 May 2016 to 30 September 2019

Whoever is interested is encouraged to apply and benefit from these preferential terms which are made possible from the EIF support.



  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount is 3,500,000 ALL
  TERM   Up to 5 years (60 months)
  FEE   1-3% according to the loan term
  COLLATERAL   Mortgage is not a necessary condition for obtaining a loan. Lien, Pledge.
  REPAYMENT Irregular:Based in the production cycle, this loan might be repaid in irregular monthly
installments, flexible, seasonal. The monthly repayment amount will be calculated based
on the client monthly income.
  INTEREST   15.6% to 20%
Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted




Loan AmountAnnual InterestTerm (months)
3,000,000 16.5%24

• Figures are approximate. For accurate figures, you need to get the right information at your nearest office of Fondi BESA in your city.


For further information, please read below:




This funding is supported by the European Union under the Guarantee Scheme established under Regulation no. 1296/2013 of the European Parliament and Council on the Program for Employment and Social Innovation.

To apply for this loan product, please contact the nearest Fondi BESA office or phone +355 42 25 38 41/2.




Agricultural loans for all farmers and residents of rural and semi-rural areas who develop income-generating activities both in the field of agriculture and non-agricultural activities, which in their nature are related to the processing of agricultural products.

Eligibility Criteria

(a) It is a company, enterprise, firm, business, sole proprietor, or other legal entity formed under the laws of the Republic of Albania or an individual registered as an entrepreneur in accordance with the laws of the Republic Albania.

(b)  It is engaged in one of the following economic activities:

(i) Primary Agriculture: including (1) livestock farming, (2) crop farming, (3) growing seeds or herbs, (4) growing vegetables or fruit, and (5) the manufacture or production of fertilizers or edible oil;

(ii) Agri Equipment, Logistic and Service Providers: including (1) farming machinery and equipment suppliers, and (2) silos and refrigerated storage;

(iii) Agri Processing: including (1) bakeries and patisseries, (2) meat slaughtering and processing, (3) egg and dairy producers, (4) edible oil producers, (5) packaged food producers, and (6) water, non-alcoholic beverages, beer and wine producers; or

(iv) Agri Wholesale and Retail: including (1) agri-commodity and food wholesalers, and (2) food retailers.

(c) It is operating primarily in the Republic of Albania.

(d) The activity is registered and operate in compliance with the Albanian legislation

Availability period: 6 December 2016 to 30 December 2019 




  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount is 3,500,000 ALL
DURATION Working capital: max 3 years (36 months)
Investments: max 4 years (48 months)
  FEE   1-4% depending on loan term
  COLLATERAL   Mortgage, Pledge, Endorsement, Cash collateral depending on loan term.
  REPAYMENT Depending on client preference:
Flat – equal installments for the whole repayment period.
Declining – Interest is calculated on the remaining amount of principal.
Irregular: Based in the production cycle, this loan might be repaid in irregular monthly
installments, flexible, seasonal. The monthly repayment amount will be calculated based
on the client monthly income.
  INTEREST   21.6% to 28.8%
Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted
  GRACE PERIOD   In accordance with the type of activity the client can apply for grace period 1 – 6 month,
in accordance with the income generation cycle in agriculture.


This loan is delivered under “BERZH AASF” Project, cofinancing of Fondi BESA and ERBD and Albanian Government




Are you 18 to 35 years old and want to start a business or further develop an existing business in the field of agriculture and tourism? – Fondi BESA in cooperation with VIS Albania support you with loans with favourable conditions.

The loan product “Zana e Maleve” is targeted for financing businesses that develop activities in agriculture, tourism or financing young people 18 to 35 years old who want to start an activity or develop their activities in these sectors in the Municipality of Malësia e Madhe and Shkodër Region.


a) Loans are approved in Albanian currency (ALL);

b) Collateral is not a necessary condition for the approval of the loan;

c) The interest rate 15%, is calculated on the remaining principal amount;

d) The monthly interest rate is 1.25% per month calculated on the remaining outstanding;

e) The loan amount is different depending on the business asking for financing;

f) The grace period is up to six months and the loan term is up to 48 months;

g) Disbursement fee is 1 – 2% depending on the loan term.


“Zana e Maleve” loan is a loan product provided under the cooperation agreement between Fondi BESA and VIS Albania for the project “Zana e Maleve – Giovani e Territorio: radici di una commununità in cammino verso l’integrazione con la famiglia europea.” – AID 011523 / VIS / ALB, which officially started on the 4th of April 2018 and lasts until the 3rd of April 2021, co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).