Loans for all those who want to increase their agricultural and livestock production, invest in activities related to the processing and sale of agricultural and livestock products!

Thanks to the European Union’s support under the “Employment and Social Innovation” Program, to enhance the development of the agricultural sector and for supporting the entrepreneurial youth initiative, Fondi BESA and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have signed a Guarantee Facility to supporting these activities.

In the framework of this cooperation, Fondi BESA offers borrowers more competitive and attractive loan conditions than the normal credit conditions for agricultural loans provided so far. So, customers benefit:

• Interest rate reduced by at least 0.3%
• No collateral
• Customers may decide for themselves how much money they want to repay monthly, thus pursuing their cash flow cycle.

Availability period: 25 May 2016 to 30 September 2019

Whoever is interested is encouraged to apply and benefit from these preferential terms which are made possible from the EIF support.



  AMOUNT   The maximum loan amount is 3,500,000 ALL
  TERM   Up to 5 years (60 months)
  FEE   1-3% according to the loan term
  COLLATERAL   Mortgage is not a necessary condition for obtaining a loan. Lien, Pledge.
  REPAYMENT Irregular:Based in the production cycle, this loan might be repaid in irregular monthly
installments, flexible, seasonal. The monthly repayment amount will be calculated based
on the client monthly income.
  INTEREST   15.6% to 20%
Interest rate is consistent with:
• Loan amount and terms
• Collateral to be used as a guarantee for the loan
• Number of loans the client has benefitted




Loan AmountAnnual InterestTerm (months)
3,000,000 16.5%24

• Figures are approximate. For accurate figures, you need to get the right information at your nearest office of Fondi BESA in your city.


For further information, please read below:




This funding is supported by the European Union under the Guarantee Scheme established under Regulation no. 1296/2013 of the European Parliament and Council on the Program for Employment and Social Innovation.

To apply for this loan product, please contact the nearest Fondi BESA office or phone +355 42 25 38 41/2.

